Discover Abot, your ultimate companion for managing your subscriptions and controlling your expenses with ease!
With Abot, you can register all your subscriptions in a snap, allowing you to track your expenses with precision. Organize your subscriptions using wallets and categories for a perfectly personalized tracking experience.
Easily visualize the total expenses for each category and wallet, giving you a comprehensive overview of your finances. Abot supports multiple currencies and even allows you to convert currencies to tailor subscriptions to your preference.
Personalize your subscriptions by adding icons and URLs, and choose the billing cycle, whether its monthly or annually, at the time of registration. Furthermore, all your data is securely stored on iCloud and synchronized across your various devices for optimal accessibility.
Effortlessly control your subscriptions by enabling or disabling them, and organize them with separate categories for clearer management. Export your data to a text file instantly for convenient external use.
And to further simplify your experience, Abot offers a pre-registered list of subscriptions to help you add new services without hassle.
Experience smart management of your subscriptions and expenses with Abot - the app that gives you complete control of your budget.